Well, it’s been quite a weekend Mexican Independence celebrations. We were invited to a beautiful cocktail party at Mike and Tony’s home to start the festivities Sunday night. Their home is beautiful, the dog, Lucy, is as sweet as she can be and the guests enjoyed the evening looking over the city.
Later Sunday night, Bill and I walked home. I then drove over to Kathy and Michael’s home for some photos of the fireworks. The Jardin surrounding the Parroquia was packed with people so we decided to catch some photos from the rooftop of their new, unfinished home in Vista Antigua. We weren’t disappointed. It was a wonderful show and it even started on time. Fireworks were set off over the Parroquia and we think out towards the new Live Agua Hotel. The Parroquia was also with lit-up with green and red lights as well.
This morning, Monday, Bill and I got up and headed down to the Ancha for the parade. We sat in the window of Monet Café and the parade came by about 10:20am. This was a bit of a surprise as the parade wasn’t supposed to start until 11:00am. I guess they couldn’t wait. Anyway, the parade was full of military formations, bands (all playing the same music), public service folks and their vehicles and people on horseback.
NOTE: Bill is an ambassador for the SMA Community Foundation and the foundation recently bought the Bomberos (firefighters) and new truck so Bill stepped out during the parade to congratulate the fire chief driving the new truck.
Here are some of my favorite photos from the weekend of celebrations. Enjoy!